The Life Cycle of Plastic

A Collection of Poems
By Ella Nguyen

The Beginning

Lively cerulean fuses into starless navy
As my soulless remains plummet toward
The sorrow shadows of uncanny sea

Soon impenetrable blankets of silt
Imprison me in my own cage 
Of blistering warmth and massive force

Morphed into a pool of viscous ebony
I now rest peacefully in silent seclusion
Able to hide from the evils of the world

But I am awakened by your blaring pulse
Surging through decaying steel
I am defenseless; naked to your abuse

Consume Me

Mangled and mutilated
Heated and refined
I am sculpted into your trivial pleasure

“The epitome of ease”
Praising my convenience 
You stick the label onto me

When intrigued hands gripped
My frightened, hopeless shape
They sparked an inextinguishable fire

Greed overpowered your eyes
And innocence turned to ignorance
As my presence began to take over 

Many Choices, Same Result

All the time it took to get me here
Only a single unraveling, tear, empty
Before my duty has been fulfilled

Now the desire for my existence
Dies as I clank against the shallow
Mouth of your recycling bin

Forgotten, left behind
I am carried beyond your view
Awaiting my enforced destiny 

Maybe I’ll fuse into the ever-growing
colossus of scraps and shreds
That is eager to swallow everything whole

Maybe I’ll be thrown into a raging blaze
Where the burning of my body
Emits clouds of noxious fumes 

Or lastly, maybe I’ll stumble away 
And be a starless bulb in a room of brilliance
Tainting the beauty of our precious home

It’s All You

Making me your pawn,
Lethal streams permeate glorious seas
And toxicity infects the innocent air 

How foolish you must be
To be the creator of the monster
That haunts you

How evil you are
To stay in the shades of oblivion
And continue to tear wounds in Earth’s heart

About the author

My name is Ella Nguyen, and I’m a sophomore in high school. I am an environmentalist, dancer, writer and artist. My poems are centered around the life cycle of plastic with each poem focusing on a different stage in a piece of plastic’s life. My first poem, entitled “The Beginning,” centers around the formation and extraction of natural resources that are created from organism remains. “Consume Me,” puts emphasis on the consumption of plastic and how the rate of usage only grew. My third poem “Many Choices, Same Result,” depicts how although there are multiple methods to get rid of plastic after it is used, it always has a negative impact on our planet. Finally, “It’s All You,” concludes the life cycle and demonstrates how humanity’s use of plastic is only counterproductive and detrimental to our beautiful Earth. 

Tell me a bit about your work.. What was your writing process like?
I started by doing a lot of research on plastic as I didn’t have much background and knowledge about the life cycle of plastic. I leveraged different resources to gain a better understanding of how plastic is created, used, and discarded. I loved writing this piece because of how much I was able to learn and then synthesize it into a form of writing to share the learning with others. 

What inspires you to write?
I am inspired to write when compelled with emotion. The environment is a subject that evokes emotion for me. Writing allows me to articulate my thoughts and feelings with absolute honesty and candor. I feel connected to our ecosystems and am grateful for the beautiful home that it has allowed us to live in. As I learned more about our dire circumstances, my eyes were opened with the realization of how deep of a hole we as humans have dug. I endeavor to be part of the reversal of the damage that we have caused. My passion for environmentalism drives me to speak my truth and express myself through creative writing.

What environmental issues are you passionate about?
All environmental-related issues are important because they are connected and each environmental problem relates to the other. In particular, while climate change affects all of us, the impact of climate change disproportionately impacts the poorest communities. Certain communities are more vulnerable to climate change and face challenges combating the extreme effects. I hope to be part of the solution in making our world a more just and equitable place. 

How are you involved in your own community?
I once received advice that the best way to start to get involved in environmentalism is by creating change in your own local community. For me, that started with joining the Environmental Club at my high school where I am the Education Lead. I work toward finding opportunities in which we can teach others about the issues about which we care. I also am a member of a local sustainable coalition youth committee, a team of youth that strives to find ways to make our town more environmentally friendly. In addition, because our youngest are the future of tomorrow, I am creating a curriculum about the environment for our town’s elementary schools.  I am also working on a children’s book about environmentalism. 

What is your vision for the future? What would you like to see?
I wish for climate change to be recognized by each individual as a grave issue that requires critical attention and that each person realizes that they can make a difference and be part of the solution. I would love to see humanity working committedly in a shared goal to save our beloved planet. 

What makes you hopeful for the future?
Seeing the growing number of impassioned people fighting for the environment makes me extremely hopeful for our future. I believe that with determination, hope and passion, we can make a meaningful and positive change!