We need you! Plymouth Schedules Townwide Election on Nip Ban for Jan 13

By Art Desloges and Vick Mohanka

During the October Plymouth Town Meeting, our elected Town Meeting Members voted to prohibit the sale of alcohol in bottles of 100mL or less (aka “Nip Ban”). The Massachusetts Chapter of the Sierra Club applauds this move and supports banning the sale of miniature bottles of alcohol. The bottle reduction will remove much roadside litter and eliminate non-biodegradable plastic which contaminates our environment. 

empty nip bottle

Already, more than ten municipalities in Massachusetts have enacted Nip Bans and confirmed the positive benefits. These predominantly single use plastics are not recyclable, contain numerous toxic additives, and have a high carbon impact.

Single use plastics rely on dangerous fossil fuels, harming our environment, climate, and health,” said Acting Chapter Director Vick Mohanka. “All plastic is toxic, and the goal is to eliminate them. By banning nips, communities like Plymouth are contributing to a sustainable natural and urban environment.”

A town-wide election was granted because of a petition by local package store owners opposed to the ban. The election—slated for January 13—could overturn it without the help of the local community. 

The Massachusetts Sierra Club asks that Plymouth voters say YES on January 13th to uphold the Nip Ban. 

Climate change and the challenges of environmental sustainability are upon us. We all have a role to play. We need to change what we buy, what we sell, and how we use it. This includes a reduction in single use non-biodegradable plastics that contaminate and litter our town.” - Art Desloges, member of the Sierra Club Massachusetts Executive Committee and chair of the “Yes on One Plymouth” Committee

Desloges noted that during recent town-wide cleanups, 14,000 littered nips were picked up in Plymouth in four days.

You can sign up for volunteer activities as well as donate to the Yes on 1 Plymouth campaign by visiting their website

In solidarity,

Art Desloges
Vick Mohanka
Art Desloges
Executive Committee
Vick Mohanka
Acting Chapter Director


Nip photo by Lorianne DiSabato, https://flic.kr/p/2n4PphJ