Christie More Hot Air

Christie More Hot Air Date : Wed, 8 Feb 2012 16:29:43 -0500

For Immediate Release
February 8, 2011 Contact Jeff Tittel, 609-558-9100

*Christie More Hot Air* Today Governor Christie cut the ribbon at the West Deptford LS Power natural gas plant in Southern New Jersey. This 738 megawatt natural gas fired power plant is the first of three proposed natural gas plants in New Jersey. The LCAP legislation of $2 billion in ratepayers subsides did not include this plant, however it is the first one being built. This is the start of the fossil fuel future mapped out in Governor Christie’s Energy Master Plan. The plan calls for expansion of natural gas and increasing our dependence on polluting fossil fuels. The Governor has signed legislation calling for more national gas plants establishing subsidies for the construction of these plants, however FERC put a hold on this legislation in regards to issues with subsidies. The Final Energy Master Plan still continues to push for the construction of these plants.

"New Jersey should not be celebrating building a new fossil fuel plant especially one that promotes fracking threatening the drinking water for 3 million New Jerseyans. This is especially upsetting since this administration has decided to cut renewable energy program in favor of subsidizing fossil fuels," *said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club.* "It is ironic that he is at this site today since when he implemented $2 billion for gas power plants he cut this plant out. Now New Jersey may have four fossil fuel plants instead offshore wind and solar." instead of investing in truly clean energy like wind and solar he would rather invest in natural gas plants that would bring in fracked gas from Marcellus Shale threatening out water supply. By expanding natural gas this will lead to gas pipelines cutting through sensitive areas throughout the state. Natural gas not only threatens our water supply, but studies have come out regarding emissions from natural gas including methane. There is also no guarantee that this energy will stay in New Jersey since there is a possibility it could be exported into Philadelphia.This shows that Governor Christie’s policies are wrong. Cutting back on renewable energy to build more fossil fuels plants is bad policy. We should be investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency instead of promoting another dirty form of energy. Also we are adding new plant polluting plant and not closing other dirty power plants adding more pollution to our already bad air quality. In 2015 stronger air standards are supposed to go into effect, but the Governor is patting himself on the back taking credit for something he could not have delayed anyway. As Governor Christie is touting this is a cleaner plant he is also delaying tougher air standards. We cannot delay these standards any longer because under our State Implementation Plan in the Clean Air Act we have to implement these air quality standards since we have the worst air quality in the nation.

"The Governor taking credit for something that New Jersey had to do anyway is spin out of control. New Jersey was obligated under its own clean air plan to reduce pollution and close or clean up those plants anyway. With New Jersey having some of the worse air pollution in the nation we need to implement this plan anyway. However, adding more fossil fuel plants in state that already has too much air pollution is going in the wrong direction," *stated Tittel.*

 --  Nicole Dallara, Outreach Coordinator New Jersey Sierra Club 145 W. Hanover Street Trenton, NJ 08618 609-656-7612