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Global Wind Day

The New Jersey Chapter of the Sierra Club, NJ Wind Works Coalition, and various environmental and environmental justice partners will be hosting an event to celebrate Global Wind Day and show support for responsible offshore wind development and clean energy more broadly at Liberty State Park.

This family-friendly event will have music, a speaking program, offshore wind coloring books, pinwheels and kites, and more, all with the iconic New York City skyline and Lady Liberty in the background! We encourage folks to bring family and friends and make the day at one of New Jersey's most treasured urban state parks and enjoy the June sunshine and outdoors with us. 

Stay tuned for more details and feel free to contact Jackie Greger with any questions at 

What's New in Webpage?


● Clean energy: Offshore wind, and various conservation initiatives. Passing the 2035 bill and codifying the 2040 wind targets. Monitoring Clean Energy and Jobs Act. Sierra Club New Jersey Chapter - ExCom Meeting Minutes p. 5 January 13, 2024

● Building electrification - BPU dockets, Trianium utility filings. The utilities must file how they will comply with BPU guidelines, and we have the right to intervene in those filings. Joint initiative with NRDC and some EJ groups, as well as the law program at National. We intervene with PSE&G and NJ Natural Gas. Need to integrate with Building Electrification Committee, as well as other external allies.

● Fixing and strengthening the electrical grid, and its capacity to provide clean energy.

● Fighting new fossil fuel infrastructure. We will also be intervening with the BPU assessments of the future of Natural Gas. As well as continued opposition to Hydrogen blending. Jackie elaborated on the Offshore Wind Goals

● Schedule another National offshore wind day, possibly in April.

● Put pressure on Orsted to get things restarted.

● Public education - a regional communications plan.

● Summer beach tabling,

● A webinar series open to the public. Taylor elaborated on Conservation Goals

● Monthly or bimonthly meetings with Group Conservation Chairs.

● Funding - External grants and national funding. We are working with a grant specialist from National.

● Artificial turf ban.

● Bear smart policies, forest preservation, whale protection.

● Superfund sites