Group Hikes and Nature Walks across New Jersey

Hikes & other activities are scheduled in many areas of New Jersey so there is probably one near you.

What you Should Know

Sierra Club hikes & nature walks are conducted by trained Sierra Club outings leaders and are open to all those who are interested, members and non-members alike.  Each outing is intended to be a wholesome, safe, and enjoyable experience outdoors to allow a greater appreciation of, respect for and desire to protect the natural world around us.

Unless registration is required, or if you have a question, it is not necessary to contact the leader before the trip. However, as these outings are planned many months in advance, we do advise that you contact the trip leader one to two days before the outing to make sure it is not canceled

See additional important information about Group Outings. 

To register for the following outings on the list below,  click here

The Chapter group or section leading each outing is given at the end of the write-up, as follows: 

Atlantic Chapter, ACOC; Central Jersey, C; Gateway, G; Hunterdon Warren, HW; Jersey Shore, JS; LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender, Queer, Plus); Loantaka, L; NJ Chapter, NJ; North Jersey, N; Raritan Valley, RV; Ocean, O; River Touring, RT; Singles Section, SS; Skylands, Sk; South Jersey, SJ; West Jersey, W. 

February 2025

Feb 8 (Sat): High Point State Park Nordic Ski, Montague, NJ (Sussex Co.) 10 a.m. If there is enough snow, we will ski for 3-4 hours. If there is no snow, we will hike 6 miles. Outstanding views in all directions. There is a cross-country ski center with ski rentals and hot soup. The all-day trail pass fee is $25. Facilities: heated restrooms with flush toilets and sinks with running water. Bring skis and boots, non-cotton hiking socks, and a backpack with water and lunch. RSVP at  Directions will be sent via email to those who RSVP. Leaders: Jimi Oleksiak, and Jerry Ruocco (SS)

Feb 9 (Sun): “Photo Safari” and Walk at Sandy Hook (Monmouth Co.) 10:30 a.m. Situated in Sandy Hook Bay, the tip of Skeleton Hill Island has the unique advantage of being the winter host of many restful harbor seals. There is no guarantee that we will see the seals, but they usually arrive sometime in December from their breeding grounds up in Northern New England and Southern Canada. They forage at night and during the day mostly sleep and take it easy. Bring binoculars, dress warmly in layers, and bring a hot beverage and snacks. Plan for 2 hours outdoors to observe seals at low tide and waterfowl that overwinter in New Jersey. Meet at Gateway National Recreation Area, 128 South Hartshorne Dr., Highlands. Facilities are available. Inclement weather/icy conditions cancel. Co-leaders: John Miraglia, and Leona F, Preregistration is required.  (RV) 

Feb 14 (Fri): Valentine’s Day Hike at Smithville Park (Burlington Co.) 10 a.m., 3 miles, easy pace at Historic Smithville Park in Vincentown, NJ. The park features a diverse collection of habitats and terrain and offers Rancocas Creek vistas. There are woods trails and elevations. Hiking boots and poles are recommended. Meet at the Smith’s Woods access parking lot, East Railroad Ave. Facilities available. Leashed dogs are welcome. Option for late lunch at Vincentown Diner. Inclement weather/icy conditions cancel. Leaders: George & Leona F, Registration is required:  (W)

Feb 16 (Sun): Hike the Franklin Parker Preserve (Burlington Co.) 10 a.m., 3 miles, easy pace on the White Trail. In the winter raptors are active in fields and over lakes and bogs. Tundra swans and Canada geese are abundant in old bogs, as well as snow geese and a variety of ducks. Meet at Speedwell entrance off Rt. 563, Woodland Township. Portable toilet at parking lot. Leashed dogs are welcome. Bring water and snacks. Inclement weather/icy conditions cancel. Co-leaders: Tom Boghosian, and Leona F, Registration is required.  (SJ)

Feb 22 (Sat): Cedar Bridge Historic Tavern - Jaunt to Reevestown Cemetery (Ocean Co). Join the Cedar Bridge Tavern staff on a two-mile nature walk through the forest and woods roads to explore the nearby historic Reevestown Cemetery. The terrain will be uneven and may be wet in some sections. Participants should wear hiking shoes, (bring hiking poles if you use them). $8.00 per adult/ $6.00 per child (ages 9-16). Bring water and snacks. Meet at the Cedar Bridge Tavern Historic Site, 200 Old Half-Way Road, Barnegat. There are facilities. Leona and George F., Please register at the link to be informed if the walk is cancelled.  (O)

Feb 22 (Sat): Teaneck Conservatory and Sculpture Garden Hike (Bergen Co.) 10 a.m., about 1.5 miles, easy, flat hike. This 46-acre nature preserve in the middle of suburbia is open to the public after a major restoration project. Birds and wildlife have returned to the habitat they need to survive. Bald eagles, great egrets, and red-bellied woodpeckers are among the visitors. Meet at 20 Easy Oakdene Ave., Teaneck, in the parking lot. Look for the Rainbow flag. There are facilities. Bring water, snacks, and lunch. Rain cancels. Leader: Wanda,, Registration required:  (LGBTQ+)

March 2025

Mar 1 (Sat): Richard W. DeKorte Park (Bergen Co.) 10 a.m., 2-3 miles, easy pace. This is a beautiful estuary park with miles of walking paths and an environmental center. Great for folks who are interested in bird watching. Meet at the parking lot at 1 DeKorte Park, Lyndhurst. There are facilities (portable toilet). Bring water and snacks. Hiking boots are recommended. Rain cancels. Co-leaders: Rebecca Wilkin,, and Robert Gill, Registration required: (N)

Mar 1 (Sat): Eagle Rock Reservation Hike (Essex Co.)  10 a.m., moderate pace. We will hike 4-5 miles with beautiful views of Manhattan. Wear hiking boots and traction devices, and bring poles if snow or ice. No dogs, please. Bring water and snacks. Check the website for the meeting location. Register with leader Ron Pate,  or 973-965-7578. Preregister at  (G)

Mar 4 (Tues): Mardis Gras Hike at Davidson’s Mill Pond Park (Middlesex Co.10 a.m., 3 miles, easy pace. We begin our hike on the Yellow Trail, a grassy/rocky section through the woods that includes narrow boardwalks over swampy areas. The forested Blue Trail has elevations, exposed roots to step over and large stones for steps in some sections. Hiking poles and good footwear are recommended. Bring water, snacks, and lunch. Leashed dogs are welcome. Portable toilet at parking lot. Rain cancels. Co-leaders: SP, and Leona F, Registration is required.  (RV)

Mar 8 (Sat) Mahlon Dickerson County Park Hike, Jefferson Township (Morris Co.) 10 a.m., 6 miles in moderately hilly terrain. Views from Headley Overlook, Cascades, Saffin Pond area, picnic shelter. Portable toilet in the parking lot. Wear hiking boots and non-cotton hiking socks, and bring a backpack with water and lunch. RSVP at  Directions will be sent via email to those who RSVP. Leaders: Jimi Oleksiak and Jerry Ruocco (SS)

Mar 9 (Sun): “Photo Safari” and Walk at Sandy Hook (Monmouth Co.) 10:30 a.m. Situated in Sandy Hook Bay, the tip of Skeleton Hill Island has the unique advantage of being the winter host of many restful harbor seals. There is no guarantee that we will see the seals, but they usually arrive sometime in December from their breeding grounds up in Northern New England and Southern Canada. They forage at night and during the day mostly sleep and take it easy. Bring binoculars, dress warmly in layers and bring a hot beverage and snacks; plan for 2 hours outdoors to observe seals at low tide and waterfowl that overwinter in New Jersey. Meet at Gateway National Recreation Area, 128 South Hartshorne Dr., Highlands. Facilities are available. Inclement weather/icy conditions cancel. Co-leaders: John Miraglia, and Leona F, pineypaddlers@gmail.con Preregistration is required.  (RV) 

Mar 16 (Sun): “Early Wear Green” Hike at Estell Manor (Atlantic Co.) 10 a.m., about 2 miles, with an option for an additional 3-plus miles. We'll follow the Purple Heart Trail south to the Glassworks and the scenic overlook on Stephens Creek for a break. Meet at the Warren E. Fox Nature Center on 109 Boulevard Rt. 50, Mays Landing, and see the displays before we hike. Facilities are available. Bring water, snacks, and lunch. Leashed dogs are welcome! Heavy rain cancels. Co-leaders: Tom Boghosian, and Leona F, Registration is required.  (SJ)

Mar 20 (Thurs): Spring Equinox Hike at Cheesequake State Park (Middlesex Co.) 4:30 p.m., 3-5 miles on flat trails. Cheesequake is the only park where the northern hardwood forest meets a southern Pine Barrens ecosystem at sea level offering birders and hikers a remarkable diversity of native flora and fauna in a healthy, natural environment. Address: 300 Gordon Rd., Matawan. Meet at the Hooks Creek Lake Swim area parking lot. Look for the Rainbow flag. There are facilities. Bring water and snacks. Rain cancels. Leader: Wanda,   Registration required:  (LGBTQ+)

Mar 22 (Sat): Return to Amico Island Park for a Spring Birding Walk (Burlington Co.) 9 a.m., 2-3 miles, easy pace. Susan Matson is an avid and experienced birder and will again be our guide on this 3rd Sierra Club NJ Chapter Amico walk! The great blue heron rookery becomes active with spring courtship. Look for migrant neotropical birds such as palm, blackpoll, black-throated blue, black-throated green, and magnolia warblers. Resident species, such as yellowthroat and red-winged blackbirds begin territorial singing. Most trails are wide and level, traversing meadows, forest, pond, and wetland habitat. Various points in the park offer very nice views of the Delaware River and the flats at the mouth of Rancocas Creek. Meet us at 81 Norman Ave., Riverside. Please, no dogs on this walk. Bring water, snacks, and binoculars. There is a portable toilet at the parking lot. Some trails can be muddy, appropriate footwear is recommended. Leaders: George and Leona F.  Registration is required.  (W)

April 2025

Apr 6 (Sun): Liberty State Park: Birds and Beer (Hudson Co.) 2 p.m., easy paceWe will walk the paved Hudson River Walkway past Caven Point, about a mile each way. Expected birds include buffleheadhooded and red-breasted mergansersgreen-winged tealAmerican black duckmallarddouble-crested and perhaps great cormorantsbrant, and early migrants. Scopes will be helpful. Restrooms are available at the park office. We will meet at the south end of the park in Parking Lot 3, near the East Jetty (C on the map), on Morris Pesin Drive. The best access is from Exit 14B of the NJ Turnpike Extension.

We will bird for about 2 1/2 hours, after which those who are interested can meet for an early dinner at Zeppelin Hall Beer Garden, featuring a wide selection of European and American beers and German sausages and American barbecue.  

For more information and to confirm attendance, please text or call Bill Beren at (862) 283-8754. Or register at (G)