NJ Energy Efficiency Ranking Dropping

NJ Energy Efficiency Ranking Dropping Date : Fri, 12 Oct 2012 11:07:39 -0400

For Immediate Release

October 3, 2012

Contact: Jeff Tittel, Director, 609-558-9100

NJ Energy Efficiency Ranking Dropping

Today, the American Council for an Energy Efficiency Economy (ACEEE) released its annual report ranking states based on their policies and programs to encourage energy savings measures.Jeff Tittel issued the following statement in response:

"New Jersey use to be a national leader on energy efficiency.We were always in the top ten in the past and last year we were ranked at 15th and now we are ranked 16th and getting worse under Governor Christie.While other places are getting better we are heading in the wrong direction."

"The Governor lost us millions in federal funding for weatherization programs because he did not spend the money and what he did spend was misused according to audits.Because of that the federal government pulled over $60 million in funding.He has pulled New Jersey out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).He is slashed clean energy funding by $279 million this year alone and $640 overall.Much of that money went to energy efficiency and weatherization programs"

"His policies cost us jobs, create more pollution, and hurt our economy.This is an administration that cares more about polluters than the environment.Cut funding and energy efficiency programs means more New Jersey residents are paying more money for energy costs while sitting in cold houses.His actions have had consequences that hurt New Jersey's businesses and consumers."

The report can be accessed here: http://aceee.org/sector/state-policy/scorecard <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001EprZruG21Mz6fNXtMZNgUmnb9HcSErYyGbQw7gqvgxx0l-ViiH_ANL_ele5VmTq2Opx9wOFAbOOf0TAirCjTFoZrL6Rr0AbvsNRhhZA-w-CUcRB-4DsU_lcaP98N0JQatKmQJsXXhpxzkUKspU_wtg==>

 --  Kate Millsaps Conservation Program Coordinator NJ Chapter of the Sierra Club 609-656-7612