Sierra Club Celebrates Enviro Leaders and Volunteers

Sierra Club Celebrates Enviro Leaders and Volunteers Date : Thu, 15 Nov 2012 16:04:59 -0500

For Immediate Release
November 12, 2012 Contact Jeff Tittel, 609-558-9100

Sierra Club Celebrates Enviro Leaders and Volunteers

Princeton, NJ - The New Jersey Sierra Club hosted their Annual Appreciation Day event to recognize the great work being done by Sierra Club volunteers, lawmakers and activists to protect New Jersey's environment.

"The people that were honored have all demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the environment. Their work has helped make the state of New Jersey better for everyone," *Ken Johanson, Chapter Chair of the New Jersey Sierra Club. *

New Jersey Sierra Club awarded Congressman Rush Holt the Outstanding Achievement Award for his outstanding work to improve the environment here in New Jersey and nationally.He is a key sponsor of the FRAC Act which would remove inappropriate exemptions for hydraulic fracturing or fracking under the Safe Drinking Water Act.Congressman Holt has been a leader on protecting water quality and supported important bills to protect us from toxic coal ash and mountain top removal coal mining.He also voted against bills that would have gutted the Clean Water Act and EPA's ability to protect our drinking water.He has worked hard to advance renewable energy solutions that will create green jobs and prevent oil drilling off our coasts, while securing millions of dollars in funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund to protect open space and natural resources.

"Congressman Holt is an environmental champion with a solid record that includes many major accomplishments in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and protection of our waters. Over the years, Holt has been recognized by the Sierra Club as a true leader on environmental issues,"said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. TheOutstanding Achievement Award was also given to Senator Christopher Bateman for hislong standing commitment to the environment and leadership on environmental issues throughout hislegislative career.Senator Bateman has fought hard to keep New Jersey in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and to keep toxic fracking waste out of our state.He serves on the Senate Energy and Environment Committee and has been a leader on clean energy.It was presented in front of a packed room of Sierra Club volunteers and board members.

"Christopher Bateman is a true leader when it comes to New Jersey's environment. He has stood up to members of his own party in his efforts to protect New Jersey's environment. He has helped to pass dozen of laws making New Jersey's environment a better place.He has sponsored bills supporting the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and has fought to protect our water, including from fracking waste," said Jeff Tittel. Assemblyman John F. McKeon was also recognized with our Outstanding Achievement Award.As Chair of the Assembly Environment Committee and now, John F. McKeon has tirelessly fought to make New Jersey's environment a better place.He sponsored the Highlands Act, protecting the drinking supply for millions of state residents and has been critical in the fight to clean up Barnegat Bay.Under the leadership of Assemblyman McKeon, numerous bills were passed to make New Jersey's environment healthier and safer.

"During his entire time in the New Jersey Legislature, Assemblyman John F. McKeon has been a leader in protecting the environment. He has worked tirelessly to not only help preserve New Jersey's last remaining open spaces, but also to protect our air and water. He has championed legislation from the Highlands to Climate Change and everything in between. As the chairman of the Assembly Environment Committee, he helped shape every major piece of environmental legislation that has been enacted into law. He has also worked to prevent the weakening of environmental protections and rollbacks. He has stood up to special interests in order to make the environment better for all of us in New Jersey. For these reasons, the New Jersey Sierra Club is giving him an award for outstanding achievement," said Jeff Tittel. John Kashwick, a New Jersey Sierra Club volunteer, was awarded our Volunteer of the Year Award. Mr. Kashwick was recognized for his many contributions to the New Jersey Chapter, including his efforts as chair of the North Group to oppose harmful development projects and promote environmental activism. Mr. Kashwick has been leading the Club's campaign to achieve better protections for the Delaware Water Gap as a National Park and Preserve.

"John is the living spirit of the Sierra Club with all his volunteer efforts on behalf of the environment.From leading our local North Jersey group to his work on the Delaware Water Gap to his work on the Cloister Town Council, John puts in countless hours to ensure we have a better environment here in New Jersey," said Jeff Tittel. Senator Linda Greenstein was in attendance and was there to celebrate her recent victories.Senator Greenstein has worked to preserve open space and farmland and has protected communities against air pollution and toxins.

"It is wonderful to bring all our members together with our friends and all the different people who have done so much great work this year to be honored. We believe it is important once and while to celebrate what we have accomplished," said Jeff Tittel. "Appreciation Day is a great day where we get to recognize our environmental champions and all the accomplishments they have made in protecting New Jersey's environment. Sometimes when you are going from issue to issue and battle to battle you forget how much has been accomplished."

 --  Kate Millsaps Conservation Program Coordinator NJ Chapter of the Sierra Club 609-656-7612