Senate Session Cancelled: Small Victory for Pinelands

Senate Session Cancelled: Small Victory for Pinelands
Date : Thu, 5 Mar 2015 10:29:14 -0500

For Immediate Release

March 5, 2015

Contact Jeff Tittel, 609-558-9100

Senate Session Cancelled: Small Victory for Pinelands

Jeff Tittel, Director of The New Jersey Sierra Club released the following statement:

"We had a small environmental victory today thanks to Mother Nature! The vote on Robert Barr's nomination to the Pinelands Commission has been canceled. This means Robert Barr did not get confirmed and Robert Jackson is still on the Commission. The vote is one of the most important votes in the history of the Pinelands and puts the future of the Pinelands at stake. This is a small victory because any time you stop or delay something environmentally bad it's a victory. This gives us more time to build our grassroots campaign to stop this nomination and protect the Pinelands. We will keep the pressure on and keep building momentum to Bar Barr."

"We thought Sweeney may have used the blizzard as cover to push through this nomination. We are thankful we have more time now to garner support for Pinelands and opposition to Barr. With Robert Barr's nomination the future of the Pinelands are at stake, the Pinelands are a UN biosphere reserve and one of the largest sources of fresh drinking water on the east coast. His appointment will undo 40 of protections for the Pinelands. This is one of the most important environmental battles we have had in years. If we win we send a clear message to Governor Christie and Senator Sweeney: hands off the Pinelands!"

"Former New Jersey Governors, Brendan Byrne, Thomas Kean, Christine Whitman and James Florio, in bi-partisan fashion have all signed a letter addressed to all 40 senators to block Robert Barr's nomination to the Pinelands Commission. In 2013, the governors sent a letter opposing a planned 24-mile pipeline, 15 miles of which would go through land under Pinelands Commission jurisdiction. It is very rare for governors to take stance on a proposal in front of the commission, but like commission nomination opposition, these governors realize the future of the Pinelands is at stake. Major papers have also editorialized against the nomination including the Star Ledger and Asbury Park Press."

"The former governors understand that it is not the Pinelands itself. This is about retribution. Governor Christie's administration wants to replace Robert Jackson who voted against the pipeline with a political puppet, which would dismantle the protections. These governors have written and implemented the Pinelands Act and understand that the future of the Pinelands is at stake with this nomination. That is why it is important for the Senate block Robert Barr's nomination to the Pinelands Commission."

"This fight is about the independence and integrity of the Pinelands Commission. Hundreds of people are calling and e-mailing their Senators in opposition to Barr's nomination and we must keep the pressure on and the environment will prevail."

Toni Granato
Administrative Assistant
New Jersey Sierra Club
office:(609) 656-7612