Make a donation to help protect Grand Canyon’s environment now and for generations to come!
100% of your donation stays in Arizona and helps to protect wetlands, forests, and wildlife and secure a clean energy future for every Arizonan.
If you would prefer to make a donation by check to the Sierra Club Grand Canyon Chapter, please mail your check to:
Sierra Club Grand Canyon Chapter
514 W. Roosevelt St
Phoenix, AZ 85003
More ways to give:
- Leave a legacy and plan an estate gift
- Make a tax-deductible gift to the Sierra Club Foundation
- Give from your IRA
- Give from your Donor Advised Fund
- Gifts of Stock or Property
- Vehicle Donation
- Support The Water Sentinels Project via the Sierra Club Foundation
- Support The Grand Canyon Protection Campaign via the Sierra Club Foundation
Your donation supports efforts to:
- Keep our air and water clean
- Protect our wild places
- Work with leaders to ensure equitable, safe, and healthy communities
- Curb climate change and build more resilient communities
- Ensure a clean energy future and expand transit options
Planning an estate gift to the Sierra Club or the Sierra Club Foundation to benefit the Sierra Club Grand Canyon Chapter enables you to forge your legacy and ensure support for generations to come. Depending on the type of gift you choose — whether it’s a gift in your will, a gift of retirement assets, or a gift that provides you with income — a legacy gift can help you to:
- Feel secure about making a future impact on the health of your regional communities
- Maintain control of your assets for life
- Receive tax benefits
- Give more than you ever thought possible
- And join an extraordinary group of visionary partners who share your passion for a healthy planet.
All planned giving donors are recognized as members of the Rachel Carson Society. If you have already made a planned gift or would like further information, please contact our Gift Planning office at (800) 932-4270 or
If you are 70 ½ or older, you can make a tax-free charitable distribution directly from your IRA to support the Grand Canyon Chapter. IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions, also referred to as Charitable IRA Rollovers or IRA QCDs, are a way to support the Sierra Club Foundation as a qualifying charity without incurring federal income tax liability.
If you are 72 or older, this can also help you to meet your required minimum distribution. These gifts must be made directly to Sierra Club Foundation for the benefit of the Grand Canyon Chapter. More details are available from Sierra Club Foundation.
Your gift from your Donor Advised Fund will immediately be put to work protecting [State]'s environment. You can recommend a grant to Sierra Club Foundation to support the Grand Canyon Chapter and have a positive impact on your local community and wild places. Please note that gifts from Donor Advised Funds aren’t automatically applied to the Chapter–you have to reach out to Sierra Club Foundation to share your designation to the Chapter. Easy instructions for contacting your financial institution are here.
If you have questions about giving, please contact Sandy Bahr, Chapter Director at If you'd like to cancel your monthly donations or have any other membership questions, contact Sierra Club Member Care at 415-977-5653 (available Monday-Friday, 10AM-6PM MST).