Energy/Climate Change

Act Now on Climate!

The main focus of the Grand Canyon Chapter’s climate and energy work is to encourage the use of renewable energy resources and to promote additional energy efficiency and conservation. Our objective is to ensure a just and timely transition from coal and gas in order to reduce global climate change, pollution, and other environmental degradation related to reliance on fossil fuels and nuclear energy, and to promote climate justice to ensure that those most affected by the climate crisis--Black, Indigenous, and People of Color--have a more resilient and equitable future.

Solar panels on a home in the Phoenix metro area. Photo courtesy of American Solar Electric.

Our Goals

  • Promote Energy Efficiency, the cleanest cheapest energy resource.
  • Transition to Clean, Renewable Electricity. Build stronger public and customer support for renewable energy and remove barriers, including economic barriers, for rooftop solar.
  • Reduce the Use of Fossil Fuels. Eliminate coal generation for the major utilities in Arizona (APS, SRP, and TEP). Build support and establish policies for transitioning Arizona utilities from coal and natural gas to clean, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.
  • Support and encourage cities to adopt strong climate action plans.
  • Promote strong clean energy policies at the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC), the government body that regulates utilities. Currently, it is considering a rule package that would require utilities to generate more of our electricity from clean energy such as solar and wind, require greater investment in energy efficiency to reduce the amount of electricity we use, and provide a more transparent and accountable utility planning process that includes favorable siting of renewables in coal-impacted communities such as the Navajo Nation and Hopi.

Current News/Take Action!

Our "Blog on Energy / Climate Change"

Press Release: "What’s scarier than ghosts, monsters, and haunted houses this Halloween? Health Experts and Advocates Sound the Alarm on the Dangers of Gas Power Plants"  (Oct. 25, 2023)

Press Release: "SRP’s Approved Integrated System Plan Prolongs Fossil Fuel Dependence, Igniting Climate Concerns"  (Oct. 2, 2023)

Take Action!: Tell SRP We Need a Clean Energy Future, Not More Polluting Gas

SRP has approved a strategy that will result in more methane gas and continued coal. We need a clean energy plan like the People's Energy Plan instead. You can tell SRP to reconsider this bad decision by signing this petition and also sending an individual letter to the SRP Board. Demand that SRP do the right thing by taking actions to reduce pollution and carbon emissions and limit fossil fuels. Sign the petition to SRP and demand a strategy that will result in a cleaner plan, more like the People's Energy Plan for Arizona.

Take Action!: Ask ACC For More Clean Energy and Support For Just and Equitable Transition in APS Rate Case

Arizona Public Service (APS) filed for a rate increase with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). Tell the ACC to support a just and equitable transition to clean energy. Read more about it and sign the petition to the ACC here.

Arizona Energy Efficiency Project

We are working with other advocacy organizations to promote greater energy efficiency efforts in Arizona. Our efforts have helped to produce one of the strongest electric utility energy efficiency standards in the country – utilities must achieve 22 percent energy savings by 2020 – and have helped to convince Salt River Project to increase its commitment to energy efficiency.  (SRP is not regulated by the Arizona Corporation Commission and, therefore, is not subject to the energy efficiency standard.)

Energy Efficiency Resources

LED Bulb



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