Donate to Support Our Work

Make a Financial Gift

Become a Monthly Donor

Tax-Deductible Gifts

Planned Giving: Creating an Enduring Environmental Legacy

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Other Ways to Give

Make a Financial Gift 

The Sierra Club DC Chapter is fighting tirelessly to protect our local air, water, nearby nature, and environment across all eight DC Wards. Join thousands of DC Chapter members in supporting our work to build a sustainable DC and a healthy planet for future generations.

 Donate Securely Online Today!

Your donation supports our effective advocacy and conservation efforts and will be applied where most urgently needed. Best of all, 100% of your contribution stays here in DC to work locally on the issues you care about.

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Become a DC Chapter Monthly Donor

One of the easiest and most impactful ways to support the DC Chapter is to join our community of monthly donors. Monthly donors empower our ongoing advocacy and important local work to tackle the climate crisis, advance clean energy, and protect our air and water from pollution--even a few dollars a month makes a tremendous difference.

 Become a Monthly Donor!

Donations through the above links are not tax deductible as they support our community-based advocacy efforts.


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Tax-Deductible Gifts 


 Make a tax-deductible gift securely online.

If you'd like to make a tax-deductible gift and are paying with a personal check, please write the check as follows:

  1. In the “Memo” line, write: DC Chapter
  2. Make the check payable to: Sierra Club Foundation
  3. Send it to:

Sierra Club Foundation
2101 Webster Street, Suite 1250
Oakland, CA 94612

If you'd like to recommend a tax-deductible gift through a Donor Advised Fund (like Schwab Charitable or Fidelity Charitable), please:

  1. Select "Sierra Club Foundation" as the recipient.
  2. In the memo or purpose section, please indicate the gift is for the "DC Chapter" or "FBO DC Chapter"
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Planned Giving: Creating an Enduring Environmental Legacy

You can leave an enduring environmental legacy by including the DC Chapter of Sierra Club in your will, trust, or other estate plans. Keeping your gift local empowers effective conservation for years to come and we are happy to work with you to ensure your legacy endures. For more information about bequests and planned giving, including sample gift language for your will or trust, or how to donate stocks contact us at


If you are ready to leave a gift to support the Sierra Club DC Chapter in your will or trust, ask your attorney to add this suggested sample wording to your estate documents:

“I give _____ [amount or percentage] to Sierra Club, tax-ID number 94-1153307, a California nonprofit corporation, currently located at 2101 Webster Street, Suite 1300, Oakland, CA 94612 (Attention: Gift Planning Program), to be used to support the activities of the DC Chapter. In the event that the DC Chapter (or its successor) ceases to exist as a Sierra Club entity, then the Board of Directors of Sierra Club shall have sole authority in administering the funds." 


If you'd like to support the Sierra Club DC Chapter through your retirement account, simply update the beneficiary designation form provided by your account administrator with the following information:

Sierra Club Foundation, FBO DC Chapter, tax-ID number 94-6069890.


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Connect With Us for Additional Ways to Give

Our chapter fundraising team can work with you to discuss additional pathways to support the DC Chapter’s important work. For more information about you you can support your DC Chapter of the Sierra Club, please contact us at


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Other Ways to Give:

Below are links to non-cash ways to support the DC Chapter: