Protecting the Waters of the Great Lakes

Photo Credit:  Lloyd DeGraneSunday Speaker Series
June 12: Alliance for the Great Lakes 

North America's Great Lakes contain about 21% of Earth’s accessible fresh water. Leading the charge on behalf of this incredible resource is the Alliance for the Great Lakes, the largest and oldest citizens' environmental organization dedicated to protecting the Great Lakes.

We're pleased that an Alliance ambassador will join us on June 12. They will explain challenges facing the organization, such as protecting the lakes from repeated diversion attempts and foiling invasive species attacks.

The ambassador will introduce us to ongoing projects, such as fighting toxic algae blooms and reducing microbeads and other polluting plastics. Of course, they also will talk about ways we all can get involved in preserving and protecting our precious natural resource.    

Register now to join us on June 12. 

Before the Alliance, there was the Lake Michigan Federation. It was formed in 1970 by Lee Botts and a group of enthusiastic advocates. They were instrumental in many of the early Great Lakes protection campaigns. By the early 2000s, however, they had begun expanding their focus beyond Lake Michigan. In 2006, they became the Alliance for the Great Lakes, 

Along with the nonpartisan nonprofit organization's new name came an expanded vision: To protect and restore the Great Lakes for people and wildlife, forever.  

This presentation is another in a series of family-friendly nature and environmental stewardship talks sponsored by the Woods & Wetlands Group. The programs are held at 7 p.m. on the second Sunday of every month. Programs are free and open to the public. Advance registration is required to get the login instructions.   

Register for June 12 speaker program


 Photo Credit:  Lloyd DeGrane