Hazardous Substances Near Schools

Sunday Speaker Series
August 14: Hazardous Substances Near Schools 

No one wants to hear about the possibility of major train explosions in our communities. However, the public needs to know that trains are transporting hazardous materials within yards of our homes, schools and playgrounds—and demand safer railroad rules, policies and procedures.  

Gerri Songer, Woods and Wetlands

As we highlight local member initiatives throughout the summer, we're pleased that Gerri Songer will join us on August 14. 

Gerri, a longtime Woods & Wetlands activist, will address dangers associated with the rail systems that pass through our communities.

Register now to join us on August 14. 

Based on in-depth research on disastrous rail accidents in the US and Canada,  Gerri been sounding the alarm on rail hazards for more than 7 years. She and other members of the Woods & Wetlands Rail Safety Campaign team are working with legislators to move forward better regulations and more safety measures. 

This presentation is another in a series of family-friendly nature and environmental stewardship talks sponsored by the Woods & Wetlands Group. The programs are held at 7 p.m. on the second Sunday of every month. Programs are free and open to the public. Advance registration is required to get the login instructions.

Register for August 14 speaker program