How (and Why) Birds Migrate

Lake County Autobon Society

Sunday Speaker Series
September 11: Migrating Birds Connect Our World

Many people don’t realize it, but North American bird populations are in extreme distress. Bird populations on this continent have declined drastically since the 1970s. In fact, bird populations are down by 2.93 billion, or 29% in total. Ornithologists from major institutions in the US and Canada are staggered by bird count statistics.

Migration season is a particularly dangerous time for birds.

Diane Rosenberg from Lake County Audubon Society (LCAS) will join us on September 11 to share the magic and mysteries of bird migration. She will explain what migration is ... why birds migrate ... how these feathered creatures know when it is time to take flight and how to migrate ... the hazards birds face, especially during migration ... what you can do to protect and preserve our amazing wild avian populations.

The Woods & Wetlands Group is partnering with LCAS to highlight the magnificent natural phenomenon. They also want to call attention to the autumn occurrence of World Migratory Bird Day, October 8. 

Register now to join us on September 11. 

The Lake County Audubon Society is dedicated to education, conservation, and restoration of natural ecosystems. Its members focus on birds and other wildlife—and their habitats—for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity. The Audubon offers local bird-watching events and bird walks year-round.

Diane's presentation is another in a series of family-friendly online environmental and outdoor talks sponsored by the Woods & Wetlands Group. The programs are held at 7 p.m. CDT on the second Sunday of each month. Programs are free and open to the public. Advance registration is required for login instructions.

Register for September 11 presentation