Help Make a New State Park in Lake County

Photo submission to Green Corridor photo contest in 2021

This past summer, we asked Gov. Pritzker to transfer a 12-mile corridor of land in central Lake County to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) so it can be protected as a new state park. 

The Greenway—set aside for the now-defunct Route 53 tollway extension—is a prime example of the scenic riches unique to our county's identity. However, its fate is yet to be decided.

On Monday, November 21, the Route 53 Land Use Task Force will meet one last time finalizing its recommendation for the 12-mile corridor.  

The public comment portion of the task force meeting will be our last chance to demand that the Greenway be protected from development and preserved for public use.

Register now to deliver public comment.

As a state park, the Greenway would include a continuous nature trail for walking, running, and biking; recreational amenities for kids and families; and a dedicated sanctuary for rare and critical natural habitat, according to the Green Corridor Coalition.

All of the land is easily accessible to local residents. Much of the land is already owned by the state, purchased with taxpayer funds.

It’s time to protect Lake County’s open space!

Sierra Club is a member of the Green Corridor Coalition.