Call on Governor Pritzker to Enact Clean Trucks Rules

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Heavy-duty trucks make up only 7 percent of on-road vehicles, yet they are responsible for 36 percent of transportation-related greenhouse emissions in Illinois.

The health impacts of diesel pollution in Illinois are well documented. Fossil fuel-powered trucks emit fine particulate pollution (PM) and smog-forming gasses (NOx) that lead to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases—including asthma, lung cancer, heart attacks, and strokes—and can cause premature death. 

That’s why the Sierra Club Illinois Chapter is asking each of us to call Governor JB Pritzker’s office and urge him to enact the Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) and Omnibus Low Nitrogen Oxides (LowNOx) rules.

By adopting these foundational clean truck regulations, Illinois could generate net societal benefits of roughly $26 billion through 2050, according to an independent analysis by the Environmental Resources Management Group.

We need your help! Will you take a minute right now to call Governor Pritzker’s office and urge him to enact these important rules?

To connect directly to the governor’s office in Springfield, simply use this link.