The Challenge of PFAs and Forever Chemicals in our Waters

The Challenge of PFAs and Forever Chemicals in our Waters

“If we wish to see healthy, equitable communities thrive, we have to disinvest from products like PFAS that do us harm and hold the companies that use these chemicals accountable,” Dr. Mila Marshall, Illinois Sierra Club Clean Water Advocate.

But what are these hazardous chemicals and how did they get into our drinking water?

Join us on Sunday November 19 to hear Dr. Marshall explain the dangers of PFAS and other dangerous chemicals found in our waters. In case you don’t know what “PFAS” are, they are per- and polyfluorinated substances, or chemicals that are becoming pervasive in our environment, and have been dubbed "forever chemicals."

Hear from a bonafide “water warrior” and self-proclaimed “aquaholic” who has been involved with environmental issues for over ten years. Mila fights for the rivers, lakes, and streams of Illinois through her work in Sierra Club. This program will expand our understanding of PFAs and other dangerous agents threatening our health.

Please join our family friendly, Sunday Speaker Series on November 19, at 7:00 PM CDT to learn more about current challenges to our environment. 

Register here to receive log in information. 

Join us for our final Sunday Speaker Series for 2023. You will be amazed by yet another challenge to our environment.

Image: By Linda Tilton