Take a Pass on Plastics Campaign Goes Statewide

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The Sierra Club Illinois Chapter Conservation Committee recently approved the expansion of our Take a Pass on Plastics campaign—which started right here, in the Northern suburbs—to make it available to groups throughout the state.

The timing is excellent, given the increasing awareness of the overload of plastics in our environment as well as the threats plastics pose to human and animal health.

The campaign’s current focus is on reducing consumption of single-use plastics. Volunteers make educational presentations to raise public awareness, work with restaurants and retailers to help reduce single-use plastic in their businesses, and work with local officials to ban plastic bags. Volunteers can use our science-based support materials to take action in their own towns. 

The Plastics Team is open to anyone who’d like to learn about reducing plastic use or to share ideas for actions we can take in our communities, More than 100 people have already expressed interest in the campaign! Learn more about how you can get involved.

We also invite you to attend one of our regular team meetings. The next meeting, via Zoom, will be held on Tuesday, January 16 at 7 p.m.

For more information, or to get an invitation to the virtual meeting, please email Pat Nuccio, campaign leader, at plasticteam3578@gmail.com.