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Engaging with Your Elected Officials

For democracy to work citizens need to engage with their elected officials regularly and vigorously. If we have concerns, we need to let our representatives know what they are.

But how to do this effectively? There are many ways -you can call, email, write a letter, attend a legislative forum or plan an in-person visit.

Legislative Forums

Each winter during the Iowa Legislative session the Fairfield Area Chamber of Commerce hosts a series of four legislative forums to provide Jefferson County residents the opportunity to share their views with state lawmakers. This year Southeast Iowa Sierra Club is proud to be a sponsor of these forums. All four area representatives have been invited. This year the forums will be held via ZOOM. This is an opportunity ask your legislators questions and let them know what issues are important to you. For more information, contact the Chamber at 641-472-2111. More information on how to sign up to view the forums via zoom will be coming soon.



Send us email to suggest outings to enjoy our natural environment or to suggest causes or activities we should get involved with.


Donate here to support your Southeast Iowa Sierra Club.

Note: Contributions, donations, gifts, and dues to the Sierra Club are not tax deductible. They support our effective, citizen-based advocacy and lobbying efforts. The Sierra Club is a non-profit, tax exempt, 501(c)(4) organization.
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