Take Action

Tell the Montgomery County Council to Remove Proposed Mid-county M83 Highway!

Image of group of volunteers holding up green Sierra Club banner, TAME coalition signs, and "no M83 highway" signs, on a lush green grass field with tress in the background.

The Mid-county Highway Extended or M83, is a 5 mile highway that remains in Montgomery County’s Master Plan of Highways and Transitways. It is urgent that this technical amendment is removed by the Planning Department since as long as it remains it can be built at any time. Send a message to Montgomery County Council now by clicking the button below! 

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Tell Montgomery County to Ban Single-Use Plastic Carryout Bags and Incentivize Reuse!

Plastic bag caught in a tree.

The Montgomery County Council soon will decide whether to join with other Maryland jurisdictions to generally ban plastic carryout bags and incentivize reuse. This will help reduce plastic pollution and waste. Show your support by sending a message to the County Executive and your councilmember below!

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Tell the Montgomery County Council to Support Climate Friendly, Healthier Buildings!

image of heat pump outside of home.

In 2022, the Council voted to require that large buildings become more energy efficient to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Council now needs to approve a regulation to implement the 2022 law. Send a message to Montgomery County councilmembers!

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