Straw Free Restaurants in Ohio!

The average American uses 1.6 plastic straws a day according to The Ocean Conservancy, meaning that over 500 million straws a day are being disposed in the United States alone. That’s enough straws to circumnavigate the planet two and a half times. Plastic straws are not recyclable. Plastic straws are made from polypropylene, which is a byproduct of petroleum, a fossil fuel that requires an incredible amount of energy and natural resources to extract and refine. Size is the biggest barrier to straw recycling. As plastic travels down conveyor belts while being sorted, small items like bottle caps and straws fall through the cracks and end up being sent to the landfill where they will remain for years to come.

Straws, as with many small plastics, pose a threat to wildlife as well. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, plastic straws are one of the top five most common items found on our shores during International Coastal Cleanups. The next time you’re at the beach, keep an eye out for plastic straws, and you’ll probably find more than one.

This large problem is being tackled on a local scale by a number of Ohio restaurants. Many restaurants are looking to decrease their plastic waste by implementing an “offer first” trend in an effort to create mindful customers and decrease unused straws that must be discarded. Others are taking a step further and are choosing to eliminate plastic straws. Check out some listed below:

Cincinnati Area:

Arnold’s Bar and Grill
Crazy Fox Saloon
Kitty Brew Cat Cafe
The 86 Coffee Bar & Concert Venue

Cleveland Area:

Bar Cento
Market Garden Brewery
McNulty's Bier Markt
Melt Bar & Grilled
Nano Brew Cleveland

Columbus Area:

4th Street Bar & Grill
Alchemy Juice Bar & Cafe,
Ethyl & Tank
Knotty Pine Brewing
Land-Grant Brewing Company
Oddfellows Liquor Bar
The Crest
The Market Italian Village

This is not a complete list of awesome restaurants working to decrease plastic pollution. Know of a restaurant in your area eliminating plastic straws, and want them added to this list? Email to have them added!

Still want to visit your favorite dining location? Do your part by refusing plastic straws before they are placed on your table, and use this refusal to start a conversation about plastic pollution. This small step, repeated consistently, can have a huge impact on the plastic waste right in your own community! Interesteed in reducing plastic in your life? Join over 1 million individuals in taking the Plastic-Free Pledge this July!

We recognize that some individuals require straws to facilitate drinking and eating. Check out this list of alternative straw options provided by The Last Straw to explore if there is an alternative for you! We are seeking to reduce harmful plastic pollution, and strive to be inclusive.