Nature Journal Prompt #2: Turn on your senses!

White and black dog smells the air on a road in the woods.

We're posting a nature journaling prompt & challenge each Friday in May to pique your curiosity and creativity over the weekend. This is week #2. Read the original post to learn how to make a nautre journal and get the first prompt & challenge!


Find a comfortable place to sit outside. Close your eyes and start to breathe deeply in and out of your nose. Let your jaw and face soften as you settle into your surroundings.
First, "turn on" your ears. Open them up and start to pay attention to the sounds around you. What can you hear that is close by? What can you hear that is a little further away? What is the farthest sound you can hear?  Next, "turn on" your nose. Subtly drawing in the scents around you. Can you pick up on any one smell in particular? Does it remind you of anything?  Lastly, slowly begin to open your eyes letting just a sliver of light in to start. As you continue to open them, notice the colors around you. Do you notice anything different that you did not see when you first sat down? What color are you most drawn to in this moment? See your world with fresh eyes.

Write in your journal about the things you heard, smelled, and saw. Continue to elaborate and write down any insight, thoughts, or memories that came up during this practice.


Paint or draw a picture of the source of the strongest (or your favorite) smell you picked up on during this practice. Share your picture or experience with us on facebook if you feel called to.

This series is being brought to you by Mary Jo Sonntag and Rachael Savtchenko, two of Sierra Club's outings leaders in Western PA. We thank them for helping Sierrans get outside and appreciate nature even amid a global pandemic!