Over 50 Sierra Club members, who live in Knoxville, sent letters to City Council members encouraging the Council to approve an inspirational resolution:
This resolution calls for reduction in:
• Municipal emissions of 50% by 2030 and
• Community emissions of 80% by 2050
The resolution further requires establishment of a specific strategy to achieve this emission reductions that will be prepared by the Mayor and Office of Sustainability with input from stakeholders, such as the Sierra Club! Now the real work begins!
For some background, the City’s greenhouse gas emission reduction efforts implemented since 2008 will reduce emissions more than 20% by 2020, when compared with 2005. This achievement is consistent with other major US cities that are committed to a sustainable future. While other cities are tracking renewable energy installations, Knoxville is tracking greenhouse gas reduction—which is the objective of efforts to fight climate change.
The City Council unanimously voted to advance sustainability goals by continuing to reduce both city and municipal greenhouse gas emissions. These actions are critical to respond to the challenge of climate change and consistent with internationally recognized calls to action.
Now that the City Council has formalized these goals, the first step is to re-baseline current greenhouse gas emissions so that progress can be measured. The City’s leadership is non-partisan, and is earning Knoxville status among other cities that are acting to ensure a livable planet.
If you would like to discuss next steps, please contact Axel Ringe.
This is a historical turning point for Knoxville and we should be grateful for this responsible leadership. Please tell them that you support their decision with a thank-you email at:
Tennessee Wilderness Act - Congratulations - This federal legislation increased designated wilderness in the Cherokee National Forest in East Tennessee by nearly 20,000 acres. Former Tennessee Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker sponsored the bill in the Senate. It was included in the Farm Bill that passed in 2018, and we can now celebrate the new 20,000 acres of wilderness in our backyard.
Beyond Coal Campaign - Coal is an outdated, backward, and dirty 19th-century technology. TVA needs to retire coal plants and replace them with clean, renewable energy - solar, wind, and geothermal. TVA has developed a plan (Integrated Resource Plan or IRP) for energy production over the next 20 years. TVA heard public comments on the plan in the spring of 2023.
Take Action: Click this link TVAEnergyPlan and submit a comment to TVA ( asking that they emphasize wind, solar vs. fossil fuels in the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP).
Take Action: One of the most devasting aspects of energy production from coal is mountain top removal where mining companies literally blow the tops off mountains to reach coal. Help stop mountain top removal. Contact Bonnie Swinford: (865) 755-0095 and volunteer to help.
Governor Bill Lee
1st Floor, State Capitol, Nashville, TN 37243; phone (615) 741-2001
See the Stop Mountain Top Removal page for more information.
Climate Knoxville - Support the City of Knoxville’s initiatives to weatherize inner-city homes, develop green jobs, and educate the larger community about how to save energy.
See the Issues page for more information.
Support the Little Tennessee River as a Native Fish Conservation Area - Native Fish Conservation Areas are river basins that are managed for the conservation and restoration of native fish and other aquatic species, as well as compatible recreational and commercial uses. The World Wildlife Fund identifies the “Little T” as an important global biological hotspot. Read about it here.
Take Action: Contact us and let us know you’re interested in this issue. We’re in the start up phase of the project and we’ll have more information as well as specific actions in the future.
See the Issues page for more information.
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