(Click on name to contact via email)
Chair - Jerry Thornton 
Vice Chair - Kent Minault
Treasurer - Bob Perlack
Secretary - Kris Christen
Delegate - Jerry Thornton
Alt. Delegate - Dana Moran
Executive Committee:
Julie Elfin
Dana Moran
Maggie Longmire
Melanie Mayes
Kent Minault
John Nolt
Axel Ringe
Jerry Thornton
Todd Waterman
Dana Loseke
For information on Tennessee Chapter-level Admin, Conservation, and Issues committees see the Chapter website.
HBG annual retreat, 2019
Other activists (committees in parentheses):
Barbara Allen (Cherokee National Forest, Grazing)
Maggie Longmire (Membership Committee, Political Committee)
Bob Grimac (Outreach Committee, Programs Committee)
Mary Headrick (Membership Committee, Political Committee)
Randy Humble (Activist)
Dana Moran (Political Committee)
Kristine Johnson (National Forests, Parks, Great Smoky Mountains National Park)
Mac Post (Program Committee Chair, Fundraising Committee, Outreach Committee, Inspiring Connections Outdoors [ICO] Chair)
Ron Shrieves (Chapter Outings Chair)
Joan Tomlinson (Group Outings Chair)
Bonnie Swinford (Mountain Top Removal, Fundraising)
Alice Thornton (Inspiring Connections Outdoors [ICO])