Austin Film Society's Rodents of Unusual Size Screening

The Lone Star Chapter is partnering with the Austin Film Society for a special screening of Rodents of Unusual Size on Saturday, December 1.

You can purchase a ticket here with the discount code SIERRA to receive $2 off your purchase. The directors will be at the screening, which will be at the AFS Cinema at 6406 N I-35 Suite 3100 Austin, TX 78752, in the same complex as our Chapter office. 

The film is about the monster rodents, nutria, that are an invasive species of the United States, with competitive advantages over native species no natural predators. Native to South America, nutria were originally introduced to the United States in 1889 for their fur. The 20 pound rodents are a real threat to human resources since they feed on the coastal wetlands we rely on for flood control.

Thomas Gonzales, a Louisiana fisherman, is leading the fight against the nutria terrorizing their coastal towns. The complete eradication of an invasive species is difficult and requires time and resources, but Gonzales is determined to save Louisiana before it dissolves beneath their feet.

 Watch the trailer below: