Sierra Club Announces Its 2020 State and Local Endorsements in Texas

The Sierra Club Political Committee of Texas has completed its full slate of state and local endorsements for the 2020 General Election!

Endorsements include candidates running for Railroad Commissioner, State Senate, and State House, in addition to several local races. 

All state and local endorsements can be found on

What goes into these decisions? 

The Sierra Club Political Committee of Texas supports candidates for elected office in Texas on a non-partisan basis who share the goals and values of the Sierra Club, demonstrated through their voting records and position statements.

For challengers, endorsements are considered on a rolling basis, and are based on their answers to our legislative candidate questionnaire and other factors, which may include their public record, past accomplishments, and the dynamic between their environmental stances and their positions on social justice issues. Incumbent endorsements are also decided on a rolling basis based on voting record and other factors.

Special focus on the State House 

The Sierra Club Political Committee of Texas is making its largest investment ever in helping get pro-environment, pro-justice candidates elected to the Texas House.

“Voters from Fort Worth to Dallas to San Antonio and Houston have a real opportunity to elect new state representatives who will respond to their concerns about pollution in the air they breathe and water they drink,” said Matt Johnson, Political & Communications Director for the Sierra Club’s Lone Star Chapter. “If our endorsed candidates are elected, and a new Speaker of the House is chosen, there will finally be a chance to move desperately needed solutions to the climate crisis forward at the state level.”

The Sierra Club is also asking for volunteers to help Turn Texas Green through phone banking, texting, and writing letters to voters in key State House districts. To sign up, go to