Greater Fort Worth Group

 ALERT: due to extreme cold  February 19 General Meeting will be ZOOM only
see below for Zoom details

Welcome to the


Next monthly meeting in Fort Worth is detailed below.
Also, check out the Outings and Events pages for other Club activities.

Green Sierra Club Banner. Explore Enjoy Protect

Concerned about the environment?  Want to find some like-minded friends?  Join the National Sierra Club for the first year for $15 and you automatically join the Lone Star Chapter and the Greater FW Sierra Club group!

General Meetings

FEBRUARY 19 GENERAL MEETING on ZOOM only due to weather

Time: Feb 19, 2025 06:45 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

 Click to Join Zoom Meeting 82741171735?pwd= 1b9Y7uIebuF5NCZSOLu6xmhY5yFENj .1
then "Launch Meeting", then if you don't have Zoom App: "Join from your browser"

Meeting ID: 827 4117 1735
Passcode: GFWSC

--- or optional phone numbers to call in and listen only ---

One tap mobile
+13462487799,,82741171735#,,,, *735601# US (Houston)
+12532050468,,82741171735#,,,, *735601# US

Dial by your location
• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
• +1 253 205 0468 US

Meeting ID: 827 4117 1735
Passcode: 735601

Find your local number: kdH9LEKsWb

photo courtesy of Betsy Marsh, TRWD Education & Outreach Program


January Club Meeting .... Program topic:  TRWD Education

Join us on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at 7:00 PM on ZOOM (no in-person meeting).  Our guest speaker is Betsy Marsh, an environmental educator with the Tarrant Regional Water District, speaking of opportunities and techniques for reaching and inspiring the next generation of water champions. Conserving and protecting water is everyone’s responsibility, and young people can be powerful advocates for water in our community.


Future meetings will again be at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden is located at 3220 Botanic Garden Blvd, just north of I30 on University Drive.  All are welcome!  Please RSVP on either Facebook or  Meetup.  Admission is free.  Be sure to join us!  

Action Alerts



Fort Worth Environmental Coalition of Communities (FWECC), a collaboration of environmental and social justice organizations including Echo Heights/Stop Six Environmental Coalition, Northside Fort Worth Air, the Greater Fort Worth Sierra Club and other neighborhood associations, are advocating the City of Fort Worth to ensure Environmental Justice is considered in everything it does. We need your help getting the City Council’s attention.

Add Your Name Here



Member Opportunity

SOLD OUT!   Stay tuned for information sharing after the conference.

Earth, Wind & Fire Conference

March 1, 2025
Brookhaven Community College

The Earth, Wind, & Fire Conference hosted by the Dallas Sierra Club.  The one day event will be at the Brookhaven campus of Dallas College on Saturday, March 1.  Get the Early Bird registration rate of just $55 (includes lunch) before the price increases on January 15.  Special student rates (with ID) are available.  Timely and important topics include our future water supply, the invisible danger of Ethylene Oxide, forever chemicals in our drinking water, the Texas electric grid, urban fracking, clearing the air for DFW, microplastics, earthquakes and deep injection from oil and gas operations and more!  Visit for the topics, schedule, and speakers!  Register now before the low rate ends!  Other sponsors include the League of Women Voters of Dallas, Women in the Environment, Greater Fort Worth Sierra Club, Liveable Arlington, Public Citizen, Environment Texas, Oak Cliff Earth Day, League of Women Voters of Tarrant County, the Hill Country Institute, Clean Water Action, North Texas Renewable Energy Group and Greensource DFW.  For more info, contact Rita Beving at

Earth, Wind, & Fire Conference Tickets, Sat, Mar 1, 2025 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite

earth wind fire 2025


"Your Solar Expert" provides home solar solutions in the greater Fort Worth area.   CEO Natalia Carter offers GFWSC members best pricing (mention GFW Sierra Club to get our discount) as well as a $1,000 donation to GFW Sierra for each member contract.

Scan the barcode in the flyer, or click here to get started on the website.

your solar expert



Please consider donating to our group!

Contributions, gifts and dues to the Sierra Club are not tax-deductible; they support the Sierra Club's effective citizen-based advocacy and lobbying efforts. See the Treasurer's Manual for more information (Page 286, Section 10, Part D).

Donate to our Sierra Club today!

Join Donate