Why are you being asked for your pronouns?

By Misty Haji-Sheikh

You may have attended a meeting in which you were asked for your pronoun(s) and wondered why.

This allows each person to identify as they see themselves. How they see themselves may be different than how they look. You may choose to identify with the pronoun(s) of your choice or choose not to identify with a pronoun.

Each person can also change their pronouns if they choose. You may also choose not to identify with any pronouns. Whether you identify as he/him/his; she/her/hers; they/them/theirs; or a combination of any of these, please be patient with us as this is new to many of our members and the use of your pronouns may not be easy to get right. (Some of our members were taught that they/them/theirs was only used as a plural, not as a singular).

 If you find that you have used the wrong pronoun, take a breath, and correct yourself with the correct pronoun. We will continue to make everyone feel included. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.