Great Basin Peak Outings - Toiyabe Chapter
Our Purpose:
- To sponsor outings to Great Basin Peaks (Click here to see current outings)
- To attract new members
- To Encourage members to explore the Great Basin and Protect its wild areas
- To engage members in achieving a new, personal outdoor goal
Membership: How to Join GBP Section:
- Current Sierra Club membership
- Submited any 7 peaks on the Great Basin peak list
- One peak must be an official Sierra Club hike
- Submit application for recognition on Toiyabe Chapter website
- GBPS patch available for $3 - optional (shown at right)
- Check out the Great Basin Peaks Members List.
Emblem Status
- Sierra Club member for at least one year
- Summited 15 peaks plus five (5) starred (*) peaks on the Great Basin peak list
- Summited any 25 peaks on the Great Basin peak list
- Submit application for recognition on Toiyabe Chapter website
- GBPS Emblem patch available for $4 - optional (shown at right)
Silver Circle
- Sierra Club member for at least one year
- Summitted one half of the peaks on the on the Great Basin peak list
- Submit application for recognition on Toiyabe Chapter website
- GBPS Silver Circle patch available for $4 - optional (shown at right)
Gold Circle:
- Sierra Club member for a year
- Summited all of the peaks on the Great Basin peak list
- Submit application for recognition on Toiyabe Chapter website
- Future award (To-Be-Announced)
How to Join or Order Your Great Basin Peaks Patch:
Apply for membership or recognition in any category via e-mail or send in an application. Click the email link below and provide your name, Sierra Club membership number, email address, home address, phone, plus the list of the peaks you have summitted with dates. Include the name of trip leaders for the official Sierra Club hikes.
Email to -
To send in your Application via U.S. Mail click here.
To purchase a Great Basin Peaks patch send in your Application & check via U.S. Mail click here.Great Basin Peaks: websites you can use as a resource:
- What is the Great Basin?
- Sierra Club - Trails: Share you favorite places to Hike, Bike, Paddle, ...
- Toiyabe Chapter: Great Basin Peaks Section
- Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology 7.5 minute topo map index
- UNR Topo Maps
- Los Angeles Chapter: Desert Peaks Section
- Desert Trail Association
- Hiking Las Vegas
- (commercial)
Useful books/Trailguides:
- Hiking Nevada's County High Points by Bob Sumner
- Hiking the Great Basin by John Hart
- Road & Peak Guide by Desert Peaks Section, Sierra Club
- Desert Summits by Andy Zdon
- Las Vegas & Southern Nevada: A comprehensive hiking guide by Brian Beffort
- Mountaineering: The Fredom of the Hills by the Mountaineers
- Silent Cordilleras by Alvin McLaneSierra Club member for at least one year

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