2024 Sierra Club Priorities

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All of the work that we do is connected to our mission to help every person explore, enjoy, and protect the natural world we all share. Keep reading for more information about the Sierra Club’s critical work on these key issues and how you can take action for the planet:

Fighting climate change and supporting clean energy

Every day brings more news about severe warming temperatures, sea-level rise, and climate-fueled disasters. We need urgent action and strong leadership across the country to confront this crisis and move away from coal, oil, and gas.

Join the fight against fossil fuel expansion today by telling the Biden administration to shut down the dirty, dangerous oil and gas pipelines that threaten our communities nationwide.

Protecting wildlife and habitats they depend on

Human activity threatens the future of our most cherished wildlife. We must preserve and expand habitats, and protect threatened wildlife like Florida panthers, grizzly bears, wolves, and more.

You can help by asking Congress to protect the Endangered Species Act and its critical safeguards for vulnerable animals and plants.

Advocating for clean water and air for all

Everyone deserves to live in a safe and healthy environment. We partner with groups across the country on projects like strengthening protections for clean water, shutting down coal plants that pollute the air in the communities around them, and more.

Tell the EPA to strengthen regulations to keep hazardous, cancer-causing “forever chemicals” like PFAS out of our drinking water.

Expanding and protecting public lands for future generations to enjoy

Our nation’s magnificent public lands – including the irreplaceable Arctic National Wildlife Refuge – are under threat as fossil fuel development expands. We are pushing Congress and the Biden administration to designate more national monuments, defend the Arctic, and protect 30% of public lands by 2030.

Send a message to the Biden administration now demanding expanded safeguards for the fragile Western Arctic – before it’s too late

Want to know more? Take a moment to watch our inspiring video recapping the progress we’ve made together towards a cleaner, healthier, and safer future for all.