Video: Why the Sierra Club Supports Donald Trump's Impeachment and Removal From Office

For a livable planet, we need a strong democracy. Trump has proven to be a danger to our Constitution and democracy.

Our bedrock environmental laws like the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act are built on the foundation of a strong democracy. But if that foundation means nothing, then the legal and democratic tools that protect clean air and water, public lands, and a safe climate become meaningless.

Donald Trump repeatedly threatens the integrity of laws we all abide by and undermines the core principles of democracy. He has engaged in bribery, abused his power, and ignored the presidential oath of office to protect the Constitution. For this, Trump must be impeached and removed.

It is abundantly clear, through many officials' testimonies, that President Trump abused the power of his office by trying to interfere in the 2020 elections to help his reelection campaign. He engaged in bribery by withholding aid to Ukraine in exchange for a political & personal favor. And then he and his cronies tried to cover it all up. Such bribery is unprecedented and explicitly named in the Constitution as an impeachable offense.

The president is not above the law. As we continue to protect clean air and water and a safe climate, we must also hold Trump accountable through the process laid out in the Constitution: impeachment by the House of Representatives and conviction and removal by the Senate.

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