We Can't Be Inclusive Without Robust Representation: Join the AFL-CIO’s PRO Act Week of Action

As Congress moves closer towards an infrastructure package, it is important to continue to stress the need for protecting our rights as workers to organize and participate in our democracy. The PRO Act, which would make it easier for workers to bargain for fair pay and working conditions, must stay in the final version of the package. 

The PRO Act recognizes that all workers deserve the fundamental right to form a union. Fighting for a voice at work is an essential step towards worker power and broader democratic power in our communities and our country.  In fact, studies show a correlation between households with a higher percentage of unionization and political action.

In other words, when workers’ rights are protected, whole communities are uplifted. Increased job security means that communities can build a sustainable life and confidently vie for robust political representation.  That’s also why it’s also critically important to pass the For The People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and ensure that all people can have their voices heard at the ballot box.

So when we talk about inclusive policies, we can't be inclusive without robust representation, which means every person within a community has a voice. And it is only with robust representation that communities can advocate for a spectrum of needs for their community as well as surrounding communities. Needs such as clean air, clean water, sewage infrastructure, adequate and resilient housing, modern roads and bridges, modern schools, clean energy, and other infrastructure needs can all be advocated for.  

Whether they believe it or not, our elected representatives should be in the business of stripping biases apart and learning from the communities they represent. They should be finding common ground between communities based on a multitude of experiences.  It is not a coincidence that the disconnection between public policy and the public interest comes down to inadequate representation. 

A colleague at the AFL-CIO, where I used to work, once told me that the most vulnerable communities that labor and climate activists advocate for are regularly exploited; and without a united front, between labor and climate activists, life for many will continue to trend worse.

The Pro Act, a big and bold infrastructure package, and bold democracy legislation like the For The People Act can be the key drivers to stopping this exploitation. You can help bring them into reality by joining our AFL-CIO allies for a PRO Act Week of Action, telling Congress you support workers’ right to join a union, and demanding that they build back bolder.


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