This Earth Day, We Built Momentum for Bold Investments In Climate, Care, Jobs, and Justice

The day after Earth Day, thousands rallied in Washington, DC; Phoenix, Arizona; and Atlanta, Georgia to call for bold federal action on climate, care, jobs, and justice. Our communities and our planet urgently need investments in transitioning to clean energy, reducing pollution, cutting costs for working families, creating good jobs, and promoting environmental justice.

In DC, over a thousand people attended the rally, with some traveling from as far away as North Carolina, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey. Sierra Club president Ramón Cruz spoke at the DC rally as well.

For the Earth Day mobilization, hundreds of Sierra Club volunteers stepped up to organize in new ways – whether it was leading an art build for the first time, tabling at a local farmers market, recruiting classmates and neighbors, painting a giant banner or mural, or simply having an intentional conversation with a friend about these issues. 

Together, we organized more than 100 events nationwide from Idaho to New Hampshire, from Oklahoma to Arkansas. Together, we turned up the heat on our elected officials to pass bold investments in climate action, cut costs for child care and elder care, create millions of union jobs, and tackle racial injustices. These investments must especially be directed to benefit historically excluded communities, ensuring justice truly is for all. 

A large group of people gathered in front of the Georgia Capitol to demand climate action.

Atlanta Rally in front of the Georgia State Capitol. Photo by Erik Voss, courtesy of Climate Action Campaign.

About 12 activists hold signs about green jobs and climate action on Brooklyn's waterfront.

 Activists gathered in Brooklyn, NY. Photo by Chelsea Watson.
In front of smokestacks, banners reading "Aire Limpio Ahora!" and "Doral Stinks!", along with a crowd of activists
Justice on Every Block rally in Doral, FL. Photo by John Parra/Getty Images for Green New Deal Network.


The timing of our Earth Day rallies couldn’t have been better. Right now, Congress is restarting negotiations over the stalled climate justice bill. In the days and weeks to come, we must convert this energy into the momentum we need to push Congress and President Biden to finally pass this transformative legislation. 

We can do this in three ways:

  1. Call your senators: Text SENATORS to the number 69866 to be connected. Or directly dial 855-980-2275.

Here's an idea of what you can say:
"Hi, I'm NAME from CITY, STATE. I care about climate, health care, good jobs, and creating a more just society – that's why I'm joining the call of people that rallied this weekend for Earth Day. I urge my Senator to support and pass a bold climate, care, jobs, and justice bill as soon as possible. Thank you."

  1. Share about the rallies on social media and invite others to take action.

Sample text:

We’re running out of time to take climate action at the scale of the crisis and create millions of family-sustaining union jobs while ensuring equity and justice. The Senate is back in session, so now is our moment! 

  1. Take action!

Send a message to your members of Congress, tweet to show your support, and recruit your friends!

Because we won’t stop now. We’re going to keep fighting and advocating and organizing to finally pass the historic legislation that President Biden and Congress promised us. They must finish the job of passing a historic suite of investments in communities and families struggling with the interlocking crises of climate change, health, rising costs, economic inequity, and racial and environmental injustice. The time is now. Let’s get it done.




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