Thank you for joining us this summer for the Change Powered by People series of actions as we build our shared future and demand Congress build back bolder and fulfill the unmet promises of our broken democracy.
We started our efforts with a kick off call in late July that was joined by 1,000 people and shared a vision, strategy and ways to get involved.
In August, we are organizing a five-part training series designed to engage existing leaders and new activists by sharing updates on efforts to win change in Congress as well as skills building tools and tips to build our capacity to drive change powered by the people.
Missed the first calls in the series or want to hear the call again or get access to materials? No problem—take a look below!
We are sharing the recordings, presentations, and links to materials for each call here after each call so you can get caught up or stay engaged with the series.
You can find those resources by clicking on the link for each training below (or scroll through the page):
- Kick-off Call for the Summer of Collective Action
- Training #1 Tuesday, August 3rd Climate Justice, Equity & the Sierra Club
- Training #2 - Tuesday, August 10th Lobbying for Change
- Training #3 - Tuesday, August 17th Storytelling to Build Power & Connection
- Training #4 - Tuesday, August 24th Make your activism sparkle & shine! A training on creative activism
- Training #5 - Tuesday, August 31st Social Media for Social Justice! A training on online activism and social media advocacy
Kick-off Call for the Summer of Collective Action
Training #1 Tuesday, August 3rd Climate Justice, Equity & the Sierra Club:
The training series starts by grounding the work in the Sierra Club’s commitment to equity, justice and inclusion. Please review this recording as a prerequisite to join any of our later calls to ground you in a shared analysis of why this work is so important and what you can do to show up as a leader and action taker in solidarity with others working with us in the movement.
On this recording, you will hear from Hop Hopkins, Director of Organizational Transformation, Ari Trujillo-Wesler, Deputy Director of the Grassroots Powerbuilding Unit, Courtney Hight, Director of the Sierra Club’s Democracy Program and Debbie Heaton, a Sierra Club volunteer leader and National Board Member as they share the vision, hopes and strategies needed to address racial justice and climate justice as a larger systems level problem by developing a shared vision, strategy and analysis and personal commitment to learning and practice.
Materials/Resources Shared During the Call:
- Presentation Slide Deck
- Climate Justice is Energy Justice - by Sharonda Williams-Tack
- Racial Justice Is Environmental Justice - by Leslie Fields
- Racism Is Killing the Planet - by Hop Hopkins
- The Sierra Club and the Jemez Principles
- Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing
Training #2 - Tuesday, August 10th Lobbying for Change:
On this recording, you will hear Sierra Club Federal Policy and Democracy Program staffers, Mahyar Sorour, Patrick Drupp, Tishan Weerasooriya as well as Delaware Chapter Director Sherri Evans Stanton engage with over 200 people on the call and share information about how to plan and lead a virtual lobby visit this summer, as well as how to have the best talking points and strategies for effectively communicate with members of congress about the need to pass a major infrastructure package that tackles climate change, creates jobs, and addresses racial injustice as well as commit to vote for transformational democracy reforms
Materials/Resources Shared During the Call:
- Presentation Slide Deck
- Lobby Visit Toolkit
- Infrastructure Leave Behind. You can also view and download it as a PDF.
- Democracy Leave Behind. You can also view and download it as a PDF.
- Action Party Guide
Training #3 - Tuesday, August 17th Storytelling to Build Power & Connection:
Join us for a storytelling and narrative workshop. Learn how to add your narrative to the movement in support of this once-in-a-generation opportunity to pass a major infrastructure package.
Training #4 - Tuesday, August 24th Make your activism sparkle & shine! A training on creative activism
Calling all artists, creatives, or the creative-curious! Join us for a workshop where we’ll dig into developing creative and strategic actions that will help you be more powerful and personal as you engage your members of congress during August Recess! Plan an action your members of congress will remember!
Training #5 - Tuesday, August 31st Social Media for Social Justice! A training on online activism and social media advocacy
Since we’re already spending many hours a day on our computers - why not use this platform to quickly reach out to your members of congress, too! Join us for a workshop to learn how to use your online platforms to get the attention of your members of congress and have an impact.
- Visit our main page.
- Sign up for trainings.
- Lobby Leave Behind: Invest in a Big & Bold Infrastructure Package, Divest From Fossil Fuel Companies
- Democracy Leave Behind: Pass the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act
- Action Party Guide
- Lobby Visit Toolkit
- Social Media Posting Guide
- For additional questions, email us at
- Join us on Slack and post a question.