Mobilizing for the March For Our Lives

I’m 20 years old, which makes Parkland the 76th mass shooting that’s taken place in my lifetime (1).

Young people look around and see our peers being gunned down in schools and on the street. This is not what growing up is supposed to be like - we should not be afraid of getting shot while attending a concert or church or going to school.

I am heartbroken at the violence that has occurred in Parkland, in Las Vegas, in Orlando, in Newtown, in Charleston, and in too many other places to name.

But I’m also feeling inspired. In their grief and outrage, the Parkland students have given this country a gift by starting to mobilize. It's time to rally behind them to support just gun legislation. It’s time to stand with black and brown students facing state and police violence, and who have been asking for reform for a long time. It’s time to show up for Dreamers who are at risk of being deported from the only home they know. It’s time to throw down with the young people who are unseating climate denying politicians and running for office themselves. It’s our time.

Our generation is inheriting so much pain and violence, but we refuse to be silenced. We are asking for the most basic of rights - to feel protected in our schools, to have a stable and livable climate, and healthy communities that can keep us safe.

From the NRA to Big Oil, young people are rejecting the corporate takeover of our government that has put our future up for sale. It’s becoming more and more clear that the lives of children aren’t as important to them as their bottom line. Their business models rely on profiting off violence and destruction, and it’s time for their influence over our government to end.

In 2018, millenials will be the largest voting block for the first time. We are ready to show up in the streets and at the ballot box to fight for our futures. Join us for the March for Our Lives on March 24. Students are organizing in Florida and across the country to fight for common sense gun control measures - find one near you at  

If you want to get involved right now, attend an online training on How To Get Media Coverage on Wednesday, March 14 at 8pm ET. The webinar will cover everything you need to know to make a media plan for whatever kind of campaign you’re involved in - from a local March For Our Lives event to clean energy activism and more. Our generation has an important story to tell, and the world needs to hear it.

See you out there.


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