June 29 Public Hearing to Protect Kentucky Streams

In response to recent pressure from Kentucky Chapter, the Kentucky Division of Water has agreed to hold a virtual public hearing on June 29th, 6-8 p.m. ET (and to extend the period for written comments until June 30) on the proposed water discharge permit for the Cedar Creek Water Quality Treatment Center in southern Jefferson County.    

We urge you to attend the hearing and to speak in opposition to the proposed permit. Registration for those making oral comments is required by June 28, 2021 at 4:30 PM EDT.  Please RSVP for more details on how to register and join the call.

Find talking points in the sample letter below and more detailed points in this linked document.

“Subject: KPDES (Kentucky Pollution Discharge Elimination System) No. KY0098540, AI No. 2157 (Cedar Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant)

Dear Mr. Paul Miller, Director,

I most strongly oppose the proposed permit renewal for the Cedar Creek Water Quality Treatment Center. The permit’s draft Fact Sheet confirms that Cedar Creek downstream from the plant is seriously impaired due to significant nutrient pollution.  The existing permit has no numeric limits for nitrogen and inadequate limits for phosphorus, yet the proposed permit does nothing to strengthen these terms. The Division of Water must set a limit for nitrogen and set lower limits for phosphorus that will significantly reduce the nutrient pollution loading into Cedar Creek from this facility.

Please do the right thing and write a more restrictive permit. Otherwise, Cedar Creek, Floyds Fork, and the Ohio River will continue to become increasingly impaired, and the Gulf of Mexico’s dead zone will continue to expand.

Water is life, and water that can’t support life threatens all life.”

Thank you for caring about Kentucky’s water.