I cross or use I-94 a lot, and I bet you might too, to get to work, meetings, and visit friends and family. I recently walked with neighbors that live close to the traffic-choked highway and experienced its never-ending noise and pollution. We talked about MnDOT’s Rethinking I-94 Project and a survey you should take today.

We all deserve clean air and a healthy climate. Yet, MnDOT created this highway that harms people, especially communities of color in the heart of Minneapolis and Saint Paul. And transportation is the #1 source of climate change pollution.
Now, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) wants your input on various alternatives for the I-94 project. You can help us shift toward a more just and healthy future by taking the I-94 survey today.
Please join me and take about 10 minutes to complete the survey. Here are some tips:
- Strongly oppose all options that add more traffic lanes
- Strongly support the "At-Grade" options and “Bus Rapid Transit with dedicated lanes” in all options
- Include comments about climate and the need to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT), reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, reduce lanes and create more space for housing and prioritize the health and safety of people who work, live, and play along I-94.

We can’t afford business as usual, or even worse, an expanded I-94 that poisons the air we breathe and the climate we share.
Take the survey today. Thanks for raising your voice.
Joshua Houdek
Senior Program Manager, Land Use and Transportation
Sierra Club North Star Chapter