The Stewards have some important bills under consideration at the Minnesota legislature.
Wake Boats
Representative Rick Hansen, Chair of the House Environment Committee, has been contacted about the lack of regulation for these powerful and destructive vessels. In addition, the Stewards are exchanging messages with Adam Block, the head of DNR’s boat licensing. The DNR hasn’t proposed any regulations, but is following research and actions in other states.
Road Salt
A bill to create a certified salt applicator program (SF3954/HF3565) was referred to the Environment, Climate, and Legacy committee in February. The bill will provide liability protection to businesses that receive its certification and follow its directions.
Prove It First
Prove It First legislation (SF1416/HF16188). Sulfide mines have produced devastating water pollution damage in the past. The bill will require that a similar mine has been in operation in the United States for ten years and then been closed for 10 years without damaging the environment before a permit can be issued.
Protection from Off-Roading
The public land protection bill (SF1324/HF2791) will require water and habitat protection from off-highway vehicle damage.