Entergy’s move to force construction of controversial gas power plant without public input faces opposition

Monique Harden, Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, Inc., 504-517-2534, MoniqueCovHarden@gmail.com

(New Orleans, LA) –Today, the Alliance for Affordable Energy, Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, Inc., and Sierra Club filed an objection to Entergy’s request for a decision on its latest gas power plant application without public input nor independent analysis.  The filing requests adequate time for public review and input by New Orleans residents who will be asked to pay for the gas power plant and bear the burdens of its environmental impact.


“Entergy’s proposal to build a gas power plant is a risk for not only our community, but also everyone in New Orleans,” said Anthony Tran of Mary Queen of Vietnam Catholic Church. “We need to look at this new application and make sure that what’s best for New Orleans’ communities and future drives this conversation, not Entergy’s bottom line.”


Entergy’s new application is a follow-up to last year’s proposal, submitted June 20, 2016, for a 226 megawatt gas plant in New Orleans East. In February of this year, Entergy filed a motion to temporarily suspend the City Council’s proceeding on its application to build a gas power plant based on data showing a significant reduction in customer demand for electricity.


“New Orleans climate action plan encourages us to make changes that positively affect the future of our community,” said Dawn Hebert, New Orleans East resident. “Entergy should also invest in renewable and efficient energy solutions that will lower our bills and greatly improve the environment for future generations.”

Entergy’s latest application dismisses efficient and renewable energy alternatives and, instead, presents the City Council with two options for gas power plants: 1) the original 226 megawatt gas power plant, now priced at $232 million, or 2) a set of gas engines that generates 128 megawatts of electricity at a cost to ratepayers of $210 million.


“Entergy's pursuit of a new gas plant when there are so many new technologies that are safer and more sustainable is not just irresponsible, it's unjust,” said Michael Tran, Owner of Tuyet-Huong Oriental Ham in New Orleans East. “Our community should have the same opportunity to thrive as everyone else’s.”


Entergy states in its application, “The Company also requests that the Council issue the approvals requested herein no later than October 31, 2017.”


“We oppose Entergy’s effort to ram this through the City Council. It is important that we have the opportunity for residents to have input on Entergy’s new application as well as time for independent assessment,” said Dr. Beverly Wright, Executive Director of the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, Inc.

