Sierra Club Applauds L’Oréal Facility on opening a 1.2 Megawatt Solar Energy Plant


Glen Hooks,, 501-744-2674

Little Rock, AR. -- Sierra Club applauds L’Oréal for bringing solar energy to North Little Rock. This sunny southern state continues to show signs of growth in the market. Recent project announcements indicate that Arkansas is expected to bring 244 MW over the next 5 years.

In response to today’s news, Glen Hooks, Director of the Sierra Club’s Arkansas Chapter, released the following statement:


"Sierra Club congratulates L'Oréal and Scenic Hill Solar on this fantastic accomplishment. Today's news underscores what we've been saying for years: there's no need to choose between a healthy environment and a healthy economy.  We can have both.  


"Over the last year or so, Arkansas has firmly begun hitching its future to a clean energy economy, with highly significant amounts of solar and wind energy being added to our state power mix. The Sierra Club looks forward to welcoming more and more clean energy to The Natural State and improving our environment, our health, and our economy."
