EPA Tasking Polluting Car Company With Agency’s Internal Review

Toyota is Currently Lobbying the Agency to Weaken Vehicle Emission Safeguards

Lauren Lantry, (202) 549-6599 or lauren.lantry@sierraclub.org 

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Yesterday, during EPA administrator Scott Pruitt’s congressional hearing, Pruitt announced the EPA will be partnering with Toyota on an operational review. Toyota’s vehicles are regulated by the EPA under vehicle emission standards (clean car standards). Toyota is currently urging the EPA to weaken these standards. In March of 2003, the EPA reached a settlement with Toyota for failing to disclose information about a faulty part that increased ozone pollution in 2.2 million vehicles sold in the U.S.

In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:

"Scott Pruitt is putting big polluters in the driver's seat. To partner with Toyota, a company regulated by the Agency and currently lobbying to roll back vehicle emission safeguards, in an internal review is a blatant conflict of interest. Nobody would employ a bank robber as a bank manager, so why is Scott Pruitt putting polluters in charge of reviewing the very agency tasked with limiting pollution?”  


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