With Latest Flip-Flop on Offshore Drilling, Zinke Makes it Clear He Can’t Be Trusted


Washington, DC -- This morning, in a hearing before the House Natural Resources Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Acting Director Walter Cruickshank testified that, despite Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s earlier claims, Florida’s waters would in fact be considered in the administration’s offshore drilling plan.

Last week, just days after the draft plan was released, Secretary Zinke announced on Twitter that Florida would be exempted from the plan, in what was widely seen as political move made to aid Florida Governor Rick Scott’s ambitions. Today, Dr. Cruickshank said that Zinke’s statement “stands on its own and is not an official statement.”

In response, Sierra Club Florida Director Frank Jackalone released the following statement:

“The administration’s latest flip-flop on the fate of Florida’s beaches is not just an embarrassment for Secretary Zinke and Governor Scott. It also makes a mockery of the entire offshore planning process and this administration’s ability to do its job and responsibly manage America’s public lands and waters. Zinke’s promise to take Florida ‘off the table’ was never anything more than a PR stunt to greenwash Governor Scott’s record, but Floridians won’t be fooled. We will continue to fight to ensure that Florida’s coasts are protected from this disastrous administration and their reckless approach to our nation’s waters.”


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