LA City Council Takes Major Step Toward Electrifying Buildings

The Council voted to study the shifting building demand from gas to electricity

Rachel Boyer (651) 315-6553 or

LOS ANGELES, C.A. -- Today, the Los Angeles City Council voted to direct the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) to establish building electrification targets in its 2018 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). The targets should align with the city’s existing greenhouse gas reduction goals of 45% and 65% reductions by 2025 and 2035. The motion, championed by Council Members Paul Koretz, José Huizar, and Bob Blumenfield, also takes steps to identify other strategies to reduce gas consumption in buildings and to study the costs and implications of zero emission buildings. This vote follows the trend of cities and utilities working together to find ways to reduce climate altering pollution and help California achieve its goals of clean air and renewable energy. Los Angeles is currently developing a plan for 100% clean energy and last fall the city committed to fully electrifying its bus fleet, which is currently powered by gas.

In response, Sierra Club Senior Campaign Representative Rachel Golden released the following statement:

“Our buildings are a major contributor to climate change not just in Los Angeles, but across California. The majority of our homes are running on gas appliances, which emits nearly the same amount of climate altering pollution as all in-state electricity generation. We can’t achieve our climate goals unless we clean up and electrify our buildings. This decision today is a big step toward cutting pollution, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and supporting clean energy."

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