Questions for Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Pruitt Failed to Answer for His Scandals


Lauren Lantry, 

Yesterday, after saying he had nothing to hide, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt failed to answer questions, caught himself in two lies, and proved he’s been unable to do his job. Even his former Republican allies are no long defending him. To boot, 58-percent of Americans think Donald Trump should fire Pruitt.

Earlier this week, Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters that Pruitt would have to answer for his illegal and unethical scandals during these hearings. Today, she should answer the following questions:

  • Scott Pruitt failed to answer for his scandals yesterday, spending the entirety of both hearings unsuccessfully dodging questions, eating time, passing the blame, and denying responsibility for his scandals. He claimed he wasn’t even aware whether one of his most senior aides ever attended work over a three month period. It’s clear Pruitt didn’t answer for his scandals. How much longer is President Trump willing to put up with Pruitt?

  • Yesterday, Scott Pruitt was exposed for lying twice about ignoring President Trump’s orders when interviewed by Fox News. Pruitt admitted to giving the green light for the raises for his friends, despite previous denials, and it was shown that Pruitt only reversed the raises AFTER his interview with Ed Henry, despite him saying he had already done so. How much longer is President Trump willing to defend Scott Pruitt and his lies?

  • President Trump has repeatedly sought to defend Scott Pruitt by pointing to his actions at EPA. Yet yesterday, he was attacked by Republicans for failing to do his job and it was made known that even Pruitt’s staunchest supporters are reportedly questioning whether his baggage is even worth it. This comes after reporting that Pruitt’s actions are expected -- even by conservatives -- will ultimately fail. With Pruitt losing support from every corner that had originally backed him, will President Trump finally fire him?

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