Sierra Club: “Mike Pompeo is unqualified to serve as the nation’s top diplomat”

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Advances Pompeo’s Nomination For Secretary of State

Cindy Carr, (202) 495-3034 or

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved Mike Pompeo’s nomination for Secretary of State. In an unprecedented move, Committee Chairman Bob Corker previously said that he would move Pompeo to the Senate Floor for a confirmation vote, regardless of the committee vote outcome.

Pompeo has been referred to as the “Koch Brothers Congressman” and “the Congressman from Koch,” as he has done their bidding, including once introducing legislation to block the EPA from safeguarding communities from chemical plants. Pompeo has accused President Obama of being “disloyal” to Christians and America, and, like Trump, has embraced anti-Muslim rhetoric. If confirmed, Pompeo would be the only climate-denying Secretary of State.

The full Senate is expected to vote on Pompeo’s confirmation later this week.

In response, Sierra Club Global Climate Policy Director John Coequyt released the following statement:

"Mike Pompeo’s racist remarks about the Muslim community disqualify him for this position. Mike Pompeo’s reprehensible stance on LGBTQ rights disqualify him from this position. And Mike Pompeo’s refusal to accept known science disqualify him from this position. Mike Pompeo is unqualified to serve as the nation’s top diplomat, and the full Senate must do what the Senate Foreign Relations Committee should have and reject his nomination.”

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