Inclusion of Uranium as ‘Critical Mineral’ Could Spell Trouble for Utah


Carly Ferro,, 801.467.9294 x100

SALT LAKE CITY -- Under the direction of Sec. Zinke, the Interior Department has included uranium and vanadium on a recently released list of 35 ‘critical minerals’ for national security. The list was meant to identify non-fuel minerals and is part of the Trump administration’s ongoing economic struggle with China.

In response Ashley Soltysiak, Utah Chapter Director, issued the following response.

“This is yet another effort to clear the way for more mining -- no matter the cost.  Already the Dept. of the Interior has instructed the U.S. Geological Survey to explore the mineral potential of lands now excluded from Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. We also know that the uranium industry helped drive the elimination of Bears Ears National Monument. Across the border, on the lands around the Grand Canyon, industry is pushing to get thousands of uranium mining claims back on the table.

“Flatly, this means compromising public health and public lands for extractive development -- sacrificing human health and areas of archaeological, historical and spiritual richness for short term profits.

“With two uranium mine expansions already approved in our state, the inclusion of uranium on this list makes it even more likely that residents will continue to be exposed to the dangers of toxic uranium pollution. We cannot allow mining projects to skate through without public input under the guise of national security. The health of our communities, our waterways and our lands is too important, and the threat of uranium pollution’s toxic legacy is too permanent to ignore.”



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