Forest Service Releases Fire Management Strategy While Zinke Deals in Doublespeak, Climate Denial, Exploitation, and Inflammatory Language


Virginia Cramer,

Washington, DC -- The Forest Service today released a new forest management strategy for wildfire. The strategy has a strong emphasis on science and climate change, and calls for prescribed fire and other proven safety measures. In contrast, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke is continuing his media tour on current wildfires, but focusing on inflammatory language, denying climate change’s role depending on the outlet he’s speaking to, and exploiting the ongoing fires striking communities across the West to push his and Donald Trump’s political agenda.

In response, Associate Legislative Director for Lands and Wildlife Kirin Kennedy released the following statement:

“It’s a breath of fresh air to see science, instead of politics, inserted into forest and fire management. We know that climate is changing fire season; we know that focusing on defensible space around buildings can limit damage; we know that allowing fire to function naturally is good for our forests and communities. The longer Ryan Zinke continues to ignore these facts the greater the risks to homes and families.”


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