Mitch McConnell possibly, finally (doubtfully) admits that climate change is a problem


Cindy Carr,

After a more than three decade career defined by climate denial and the promotion of corporate polluters, Mitch McConnell maybe, finally (probably unintentionally) admitted that climate change is a problem. If McConnell finally wants to join the overwhelming majority of Americans and scientists who demand climate action, he has some questions he must answer:

  1. What is your plan to protect American communities and tackle the climate crisis?

  2. How does confirming a coal lobbyist to protect our communities and clean air and water address climate change?

  3. What do you think sideshow political games on plans to tackle the climate crisis achieve?

  4. When can the American people expect the Senate to begin passing legislation to address climate change?

  5. Will the Senate be a check on Donald Trump’s rampant climate denial and actions?

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