Kerwin Olson - - (317) 735-7727
Ricky Junquera - - (617) 599-7048
Gary, IN -- Today, 14 local residents and families rallied in Gary with a large blank check to show opposition to House Bill 1470, a bill being pushed by monopoly utilities at the Indiana Legislature. Those at the event called on Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb to veto HB 1470. NWI NAACP and Sierra Club's Beyond Coal to Clean Energy Campaign collaborated to organize the rally.
Lori Latham, Chair, Environmental Committee, Gary NAACP:
“We must act now to stop NIPSCO from dodging the regulations that are currently in place to raise utility rates. It’s time for Gov. Holcomb to veto this bad bill, which will squeeze more money from the pockets of hardworking people in Northwest Indiana.”
Carolyn McCrady, retired Gary teacher, Local #4:
“House Bill 1470 creates a piggy bank for NIPSCO at working people's expense. If Governor Holcomb has any moral fortitude, he will veto this outrageous bill and represent the interests of the majority instead of the greed of the corporate few.”
Monopoly utilities are seeking a blank check from state legislators to spend their customers’ money through House Bill 1470. The bill would allow NIPSCO and other monopoly utilities to bypass state regulators and the public to raise customer bills through a “tracker” mechanism, adding additional fees on utility bills, without going through the rate case process and allowing the public a voice.
HB 1470 strengthens the utilities’ stranglehold over Indiana regulators and steals oversight power from the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) - a body that is entrusted to serve as a check on monopoly utilities’ power. HB 1470 means higher bills for those already burdened and unfairly harms poor and working class communities in the Region.
The bill passed the Indiana Senate Tuesday and is on its way to Governor Holcomb’s desk, where the governor will either veto the bill or sign it into law.
Other #NoBlankChecks events have been held throughout the state - in Evansville, Indianapolis and Fort Wayne since HB 1470 began making its way through the legislature.
Find technical details about the bill at:
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The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.5 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit