EPA’s New Coal Ash Proposal Reads Like it Was Written by a Former Coal Lobbyist


Brian Willis, 202.675.2386, Brian.Willis@sierraclub.org 

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Former coal lobbyist and EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler proposed another dangerous rule today that will allow unlined, toxic coal ash ponds to stay open longer, and even permit their owners to use toxic material as part of the structures they are developing to permanently close the ponds. 

In response, Dalal Aboulhosn, Deputy Legislative Director for Land and Water at Sierra Club, released the following statement:  

“This new coal ash proposal reads like it was written by a former coal lobbyist intent on placating his former employers - because it was. It offers less protection for communities suffering from groundwater contamination and diminished property values, and more protection for callus coal industry interests who value their profits above the lives of working people. We are not surprised by this mockery of public health on the part of Andrew Wheeler, but we are committed to putting an end to it. We will fight this rule, and others like it, with every resource we have, and remind the American people that Wheeler is putting people’s lives in danger with these blatant handouts to his former clients.”

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